I'm going to make this the last entry to Highway Hooker Gazzette, on this particular subject but it must and should be made. This is based on, not entirely confirmed information but shown to be more truth than a myth or a circle the wagons to cover their butts in case they were caught, I'll proceed here.
When you go to a send off on a retirement party of a former director of an organization that in its very core is supposed to be to advance commerce, even putting that in its organizational title, says they would call you, but never does, that's a base to make one concerned. Add to that , once a big bang property buy turns into a dud, then those so hungry to warm up to you all of a sudden does not return a phone call or email, and leaves you so abandoned that you begin to hear the crickets chirp, you begin to figure that one you considered to be more than just an associate and business connection, turns out to becoming a person, that many will not join up with her little niche groups, you start to take in the maybe rumor information to heart. This happened to me and our supported organization the Knytes-of-Dixie. We had sought to buy, for and about that organization, a bar and sort of grill just outside of Evansgone, near the horse race track. During the time the concept of purchasing that bar & grill, A certain real estate consultant, was all kinds of help. Once the President poo-pooed the idea, it was all of a sudden, friendship withdrawn as well. Then a friend of that Real estate consultant, a computer wizz came forward, to build the Club(s) website, with the integration, of the radio station. When that bid came in at $8k, when even I4 solutions was only $3k, that's cause for a dialog to be opened, yet that friend of our Real Estate salesperson, decided she had better things to do, so was a person, that said she was up to becoming a DJ, for HazzardAyre, decided to vanish. That's when you say, no way.
Tonight there was this meeting of the Evansgone Small Business Network, at the Legal Tender lounge/meeting room. At first I thought about going, but felt if I had there would have been a verbal cat fight, so I declined. I have said this before, but I'll say it again, piss off one Knyte(knight) you piss off 49,999 others, 500 of which lives in Wyoming, 250 of those in and around Evansgone. Who will now purchase property from another agent, and not apply for membership of the Chamber - of - Commerce, as well as become members of the ESBN. One of the objectives that was the basis of creating the Hazzard County Chamber of Commerce, was and is to promote commerce and future commerce bizzness advancement of not only members of the Knytes, but too small rural business's from all over the Mountain West, including Wyoming, with out all the pomp and circumstance and be fair for all. Giving real world information and news to help all small to medium business's in the rural Mountain West, including Evansgone, and Wyoming. I was supposed to be included and the club invited to become part of a local gearhead group that runs, at a loss, Dragstrip. Guess what the application has never been delivered. Too Busy? BS. As it is now, I trust only 5 people in this town, My Bishop of our LDS ward, Lisa, her husband, and Nate, and Rick my partner at the shop. Anybody else, nope. This truly was a case of cutting off her nose to spite her face, and I have no loyalty nor anything else, for and of this lady real estate agent.
Highway Hooker Radio, on Wednesday at noon, on www.livestream.com/highwayhookerradio
Tonite it's HazzardAyre Radio at www.livestream.com/hazzardayre and early in the morning, starting at 05:00(5:00AM) its Samcro Radio at www.livestream.com/samcroradio
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