Sunday, June 26, 2016

Who the hell is fooling who, its an attempt to avoid paying her bill,

So grooving on last nights show, trying to snag sleep, grand old Shelly is on line texting me all afternoon. Saying something about one of our new interns and all being in the sack with me and thinking that our new intern was shacking up and replacing Shelly here in the Wolf's Lair. First I thought bullshit, the only person that knows about our new intern is Shelly, and of course the intern, who is not a frequent user of fb, the only way that a rumor can start on fb about the new intern, is by Shelly, its the oh , I'm forgotten so I have to start a fuss to be recognized . 
Part of this is, I think is that if Shelly keeps bitching long enough I will in fact kick Shelly to the curb, break up with her, and she wont have to depart or pay any more money. Economics are tight everywhere. Its just completely stupid.
Then found Jonny who is producing the car show of sorts, did not want our help on the pin up gig. Okay fine, then was going to get in touch and include the Knytes and myself into it. Thing is whether he understands , including the Knytes , increases attendance numbers and that increases sponsorship bucks including ours. Biting our hands, means we say adios, and 50,000 potential attendees don't show infact boycott the event. It was the same thing last year. It was a same shit, different year happening. 
Jonny didn't want the free ads on our online radio network, did not want the noise our guys and boys can muster behind an event, but guess what, by this time next year we wont be here anyway, as all I'm doing is finishing up my projects, getting all 4 of my rides up to a long haul road able status, and come about March next year, Evansgone Wyoming is going to be a distant memory. 
We're on the air starting at 11:00PM 23:00 hours. See ya'll then.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

There IS a difference between LIVING and just existing, tonight I was living

Saturday was one of THOSE days. Got a used CB in LexiBelle, and was starting to put the center console in and figured I needed a Sharpie pen to marok the holes to drill. So grabbed the paperwork, that both Lisa and a few wanted to see, and needing a brew , tripped down to the Tumbleweed. So Lisa was working on planning a wedding so it took her a few, so watched some idiotic baseball game, then the band showed up. At first I was not to impressed with the band , but thought give em a chance. I was going to dance with Lisa a bit, but it started to get cold, and Lisa sprang, for some fruity drink, so figured I'd just sit there and enjoy, and I did. Now I don't want ya'll to get the wrong idea here, there is nothing on the level or thought train of anything romantic there , but Lisa is one of those ladies that are just out of reach, yet makes you feel happy and content all at the same time. Tonight I had a real nice time, talked with quite a few people, and am making connections. As much as I distrust and dislike Evanston, here. Lisa makes it bearable. 
Okay then; Wanting to chat with the Bishop, texted Brother Welling, who has not returned the call, or anything. Now maybe Brother Welling was busy doing something else, maybe not, but I'm not one who enjoys being ignored. Maybe my consideration of leaving the church, is the way to go. 
I will say this, seems as though everyone that I have befriended outside of the church, have been more helpful, and kind, that outside of three people including our Bishop, the rest act like they don't care, nor are extending the real handshake of friendship, rather than something ceremonial on Sunday morning. 
Any mile hitting the rack, see ya'll on the cyber radio later Sunday evening.
Everyone ought to have a close friend and mentor like Lisa, and her husband, mostly Lisa. 

Friday, June 3, 2016

Afternoon Rush, there is us and then there are them.

Before I get into my usual rant here, as of 15:00 or 3:00PM this afternoon, the Knytes-of-Dixie's Honor Guard officers arrived in Evanston Wyoming. Seems as though a few mindless people including a maladjusted individuals have been allowing their unknowing mouths override their brains. Spreading rumors and falsehoods to members about members and as well as the club, myself HCC and a few of of the rest of our vocational pursuits including the eventual buy of a bar here, that is currently making its moves through organizational channels , the radio station and all, is getting epidemic and the epidemic can and will mean quite a few people are going to loose not only their property but could easily loose their lives. There are contracts currently being made to forever silence some of these big mouths. As far as the Reaper Club, that's a go, just pending another person, to manage and run it, with Reaper crew standards. Radio station, is being evaluated, and talking to two media brokers, on the idea of selling the license here and using that money to refire what we have in both Buhl, and American Falls Idaho. As for me, all I'm doing is getting my trucks and all into condition to make the move at the end of July back to southwestern Idaho. Quite frankly , I'm done with this town, its people and crap head small town gossip. 
I pulled the stripe and NASCAR number off the General JaXson, mid week next week LiL Wolf will be in my shop, and LexiBelle should be done. Ran into a small problem, some sticky fingered bastards took my CB from LexiBelle, so just waiting to buy a new one. I'll be back on the cyber air later this weekend, but I'm beginning to have the feelings of, what's the use? Even if the station was up and flowing, who besides me is ever going to step in and work it? 
Bottom line, I'm done, taking my time, and no longer caring much. That's why I haven't been down to the Tumbleweed , or any other point of socialization in this town. Last weekend at church, I felt like truly the Wolf, in amongst the sheep flock. The family I normally associated with were not there. I'll be danged if the so called Home Teachers, have been here. The amount of visits from the Home teachers has been so few , its like why should I even think I should be a member of the LDS Church anymore? In my opinion , the LDS Church, ought to get back to being a church rather than a company, that pays few if any taxes, disguised as a church.
I'm so looking forward to going home, and attending, The River Fellowship, and getting rebaptised , into that church. In a week or so, I'm going to discuss with our local Bishop, how to arrange to be excommunicated from the LDS Church, and have all records of me ever being a members of the Mormon faith destroyed. 
More later.