Saturday, June 4, 2016

There IS a difference between LIVING and just existing, tonight I was living

Saturday was one of THOSE days. Got a used CB in LexiBelle, and was starting to put the center console in and figured I needed a Sharpie pen to marok the holes to drill. So grabbed the paperwork, that both Lisa and a few wanted to see, and needing a brew , tripped down to the Tumbleweed. So Lisa was working on planning a wedding so it took her a few, so watched some idiotic baseball game, then the band showed up. At first I was not to impressed with the band , but thought give em a chance. I was going to dance with Lisa a bit, but it started to get cold, and Lisa sprang, for some fruity drink, so figured I'd just sit there and enjoy, and I did. Now I don't want ya'll to get the wrong idea here, there is nothing on the level or thought train of anything romantic there , but Lisa is one of those ladies that are just out of reach, yet makes you feel happy and content all at the same time. Tonight I had a real nice time, talked with quite a few people, and am making connections. As much as I distrust and dislike Evanston, here. Lisa makes it bearable. 
Okay then; Wanting to chat with the Bishop, texted Brother Welling, who has not returned the call, or anything. Now maybe Brother Welling was busy doing something else, maybe not, but I'm not one who enjoys being ignored. Maybe my consideration of leaving the church, is the way to go. 
I will say this, seems as though everyone that I have befriended outside of the church, have been more helpful, and kind, that outside of three people including our Bishop, the rest act like they don't care, nor are extending the real handshake of friendship, rather than something ceremonial on Sunday morning. 
Any mile hitting the rack, see ya'll on the cyber radio later Sunday evening.
Everyone ought to have a close friend and mentor like Lisa, and her husband, mostly Lisa. 

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